Show results so far 2006:
Graben-Neudorf, (KRV) 12.11.2006:
Esmeralda CACIB and nom. BIS! Esmeralda is
"Internationaler Champion" now!
Jeannie CACIB! Jeannie is
"Internationaler Champion"too now!
Dorheim, Babysalon (Cats e.V.) 05.11.2006:
Orelie Ex.1 Sonderpreis und BIS
Worldshow NL- Maastricht, 28./29.10.2006:
Frankfurt-Griesheim, (Cat Planet) 01.10.2006:
Kelly judged twice CACIB. She is International Champion
now and BIV, nom. BIS, BIS and BOB;-)!
Flörsheim, (Cats e.V.) 11.06.2006:
Jeannie, judged twice CACIB, Best in Colour, nom. BIS and BIS
Esmeralda judged twice CACIB and nom. BIS
Mannheim (Kurpfälzer), 13.05.2006:
Newton CAC!! Newton is champion now!!
Esmeralda CACIB, BIV, nom. BIS & BIS!!
Bergen-Enkheim(Cat-Planet), 09.04.2006:
Kelly CACIB, BIV and nom BIS!!
Jeannie first judged CAC and second CACIB! Jeannie
Esmeralda judged twice CAC!! She is champion now!
Alzey (AKRM e.V.), 01.04.2006:
Kelly CAC she is champion now and BIV!!
Newton Romeo CAC and nom. BIS and BIS!!
Esmeralda CAC, nom. BIS, BIS and BOB;-))!!
Biebertal, 05.03.2006 (VDK e.V.):
Mimi judged twice CACIB and is International Champion now!!
Würzburg, 04.03.2006 (SDRV e.V):
Esmeralda Ex 1 and a special Award!!